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尽管在与公众打交道时,第一印象很重要, your professional attitude and ethical behavior may mean the difference between making a sale and needing a new line of work.
将道德放在日常实践的最前沿是一个持续的过程. 谈论道德要比坚持遵守道德原则容易得多. However, 每个持牌经纪人和销售人员都知道,如果没有持续的道德行为所产生的信任, business will dry up.
当一个人雇佣另一个人代表他或她行事时,代理关系就产生了. Agency is a legal relationship in which a principal authorizes an agent to act as the principal’s representative when dealing with third parties.
最简单的代理关系包括三方——委托人, the agent, 以及第三人或实体. Agency is an essential part of real estate transactions because of the complexities of buying and selling real property and the potentially devastating results of mishandling these transactions. Lay people usually do not feel knowledgeable and confident enough to handle these transactions without assistance. 因此,房地产经纪人——通常是卖方的代理人——会介入.
代理是一个有自己独特法律体系的领域. 代理人对委托人负有特殊和具体的义务,反之亦然. 因为代理人所做的决定和行为会给委托人带来法律后果, 有很多危险区域需要警惕. 本单元探讨代理法律及其对房地产许可人的法律效力.
Trust Fund Handling
本课程将带您完成加州房地产部门规定的所有科目, and includes instruction in the legal requirements for receiving and handling trust funds in real estate transactions (as set forth in the Real Estate Law and the Regulations of the Real Estate Commissioner), 维持信托基金帐户的必要条件, 以及信托基金的记录保存要求.
Risk Management
一个3小时的继续教育课程,内容包括纪律处分, disputes, mediation, arbitration, and lawsuits can be avoided if real estate professionals limit exposure and manage risks in their daily routine.
Every person who wants to purchase or rent real property hopes that he or she will be treated ethically and fairly during that transaction. Hopefully, 个人的预期购买或租赁将基于收入和信用等客观因素, 而不是种族或性别等主观因素. 保护潜在买家或租房者在获得住房时不受非法歧视, 州和联邦法律都要求在房地产行业工作的人, 包括金融等相关行业, 仅根据买方是否适合签订房地产协议而作出决定. Real estate licensees are required to practice within the guidelines of many federal and state fair housing laws. 他们不应该考虑侵犯一个人购买、出售、出租或租赁房地产的权利.
每个人似乎都在谈论隐性偏见和多样性. 内隐偏见是影响个人理解的态度或刻板印象, actions, 并以无意识的方式做出决定. 企业提供这方面的培训,政界人士支持这一做法,媒体也对这一做法大加赞赏. 但究竟什么是隐性偏见和多样性? Unfortunately, 一些房地产经纪人让他们的偏见妨碍了与来自不同文化背景的人合作. However, successful licensees realize that working with people from diverse cultural backgrounds creates an opportunity for business and possibly personal relationships.
Biases, preferences, attitudes, stereotypes, 偏见都是心理构念的例子. Psychological constructs are mental associations that can influence a person's behavior and feelings toward an individual or group. 如果这个人没有意识到这些心理联系, the biases, preferences, attitudes, stereotypes, 或者说偏见是隐性的.
有偏见或先入为主的感觉是正常的人类行为. 每个人都有这样或那样的偏见. 有不同的好恶是可以的. 偏见是无害的,只要它们是关于不重要的事情, 比如比起可口可乐,你更喜欢百事可乐(或者相反)。. 但是当网上赌博网站十大排行对别人有偏见时, 然后以非法歧视的方式对这些偏见采取行动, 网上赌博网站十大排行制造了各种各样的问题.
In 1066, William of Normandy crossed the English Channel and defeated a Saxon army in the Battle of Hastings; thereafter, 被称为征服者威廉. 作为英国国王威廉一世, 他引进了土地持有制度, 俗称封建制度, 英国和美国今天的不动产法的基础是什么.
当考虑到基于这种英国遗产的各种土地法律关系时, 在开始时定义一些术语是有帮助的. The broadest term, an interest, 包括各种权利中的任何一种, privileges, powers, 以及对任何财产的豁免, 包括不动产. 所有权利的总和, privileges, powers, and immunities with respect to a particular item of property is “complete ownership” or “complete property
9小时的继续教育课程,涵盖评估过程, 物业检查和销售比较方法.
一个9小时的继续教育课程,涵盖托管过程, escrow instructions, and opening escrow.
有时买家不知道他们想要什么, 或者他们认为他们知道自己想要什么, 但没有什么是完全正确的. 本课程将开始与有买家预先批准融资的重要性,如果他们需要它. We will provide some techniques to help buyers prioritize the things they want in a home and adjust his or her standard buying strategies to suit the needs of different buyers. While summarizing some important consumer preference studies we will shed light on how real estate licensees can simplify the home-buying process. We know that every buyer is different and this course will drill down the facts to help buyers discover what they truly want in their home.
本课程将探讨六个特定的主题领域:伦理, agency, fair housing, trust fund handling, risk management, and implicit bias. Both national and California-specific laws and legislation for each subject area will be discussed and the relevance to real estate agents explained. 建立代理关系的各种方式, 关系的类型, 并对代理协议的一些特点进行考察. Students will be introduced to those sections of the California Business and Professions Code that deal with ethical practices as well as the differences between business and personal ethics. The organizations responsible for enforcing Fair Housing will be examined as well as some of the penalties that a violator may face. 本课程亦会讨论开立及维持信托帐户的适当程序. 学生将探索代理人可以做些什么来评估对他们来说风险最高的领域, 如何为这些风险做好准备,以及如何将风险转移给房地产行业的其他专业人士. Finally, the concept of implicit bias will be explored and strategies to improve interactions with diverse communities will be provided.
In 1066, William of Normandy crossed the English Channel and defeated a Saxon army in the Battle of Hastings; thereafter, 被称为征服者威廉. 作为英国国王威廉一世, 他引进了土地持有制度, 俗称封建制度, 英国和美国今天的不动产法的基础是什么.
当考虑到基于这种英国遗产的各种土地法律关系时, 在开始时定义一些术语是有帮助的. The broadest term, an interest, 包括各种权利中的任何一种, privileges, powers, 以及对任何财产的豁免, 包括不动产. 所有权利的总和, privileges, powers, and immunities with respect to a particular item of property is “complete ownership” or “complete property
房地产市场竞争非常激烈,尤其是在加利福尼亚州. Being a successful real estate professional is not only dependent on building customer relationships or closing a sale. Your advancement in the industry is also reliant on a continuing intake of knowledge concerning new marketing strategies and developing investment trends in the field of California real estate. 通过参加网上赌博网站十大排行的加州11小时消费者保护投资课程了解更多有关这些主题的信息. This course is designed to provide California real estate professionals with 11 hours of mandatory course material. This course also provides a wide array of information concerning real estate investment issues including a summary of the IRS rules and guidelines on §1031, 介绍如何与投资者客户合作, negotiations, 还有房产的成交, 也概述了购房者的信用评分.
9小时的继续教育课程,涵盖评估过程, 物业检查和销售比较方法.
房地产市场竞争非常激烈,尤其是在加利福尼亚州. Being a successful real estate professional is not only dependent on building customer relationships or closing a sale. Your advancement in the industry is also reliant on a continuing intake of knowledge concerning business practices associated with California’s residential real estate. 通过参加网上赌博网站十大排行的7小时选修主题课程来了解更多关于这些实践的信息. 本课程的主题包括房地产融资选择的介绍性解释, 融资过程, 以及管理房地产融资交易的法律法规, 深入了解上市协议, 以及对受托责任的全面审查, 与房地产交易有关的风险, 以及最小化这些风险的最佳实践.
Second & 后续续订包
Second & 后续续订包
尽管在与公众打交道时,第一印象很重要, your professional attitude and ethical behavior may mean the difference between making a sale and needing a new line of work.
将道德放在日常实践的最前沿是一个持续的过程. 谈论道德要比坚持遵守道德原则容易得多. However, 每个持牌经纪人和销售人员都知道,如果没有持续的道德行为所产生的信任, business will dry up.
当一个人雇佣另一个人代表他或她行事时,代理关系就产生了. Agency is a legal relationship in which a principal authorizes an agent to act as the principal’s representative when dealing with third parties.
最简单的代理关系包括三方——委托人, the agent, 以及第三人或实体. Agency is an essential part of real estate transactions because of the complexities of buying and selling real property and the potentially devastating results of mishandling these transactions. Lay people usually do not feel knowledgeable and confident enough to handle these transactions without assistance. 因此,房地产经纪人——通常是卖方的代理人——会介入.
代理是一个有自己独特法律体系的领域. 代理人对委托人负有特殊和具体的义务,反之亦然. 因为代理人所做的决定和行为会给委托人带来法律后果, 有很多危险区域需要警惕. 本单元探讨代理法律及其对房地产许可人的法律效力.
Trust Fund Handling
本课程将带您完成加州房地产部门规定的所有科目, and includes instruction in the legal requirements for receiving and handling trust funds in real estate transactions (as set forth in the Real Estate Law and the Regulations of the Real Estate Commissioner), 维持信托基金帐户的必要条件, 以及信托基金的记录保存要求.
Risk Management
一个3小时的继续教育课程,内容包括纪律处分, disputes, mediation, arbitration, and lawsuits can be avoided if real estate professionals limit exposure and manage risks in their daily routine.
本课程的目的是为在加州的经纪人谁作为监督经纪人. 它考察了监管经纪人需要知道的不同工具,以成为一名有效的监管经纪人, 包括信托会计, 披露和关系, and how to create an effective policy and procedures manual that both instructs salespeople of their obligations and teaches them how to effectively perform their job while ensuring the public is protected. 完成本课程将有助于确保您符合管理和监督要求, a three-hour continuing education course in managing real estate offices and supervising real estate activities.
Every person who wants to purchase or rent real property hopes that he or she will be treated ethically and fairly during that transaction. Hopefully, 个人的预期购买或租赁将基于收入和信用等客观因素, 而不是种族或性别等主观因素. 保护潜在买家或租房者在获得住房时不受非法歧视, 州和联邦法律都要求在房地产行业工作的人, 包括金融等相关行业, 仅根据买方是否适合签订房地产协议而作出决定. Real estate licensees are required to practice within the guidelines of many federal and state fair housing laws. 他们不应该考虑侵犯一个人购买、出售、出租或租赁房地产的权利.
每个人似乎都在谈论隐性偏见和多样性. 内隐偏见是影响个人理解的态度或刻板印象, actions, 并以无意识的方式做出决定. 企业提供这方面的培训,政界人士支持这一做法,媒体也对这一做法大加赞赏. 但究竟什么是隐性偏见和多样性? Unfortunately, 一些房地产经纪人让他们的偏见妨碍了与来自不同文化背景的人合作. However, successful licensees realize that working with people from diverse cultural backgrounds creates an opportunity for business and possibly personal relationships.
Biases, preferences, attitudes, stereotypes, 偏见都是心理构念的例子. Psychological constructs are mental associations that can influence a person's behavior and feelings toward an individual or group. 如果这个人没有意识到这些心理联系, the biases, preferences, attitudes, stereotypes, 或者说偏见是隐性的.
有偏见或先入为主的感觉是正常的人类行为. 每个人都有这样或那样的偏见. 有不同的好恶是可以的. 偏见是无害的,只要它们是关于不重要的事情, 比如比起可口可乐,你更喜欢百事可乐(或者相反)。. 但是当网上赌博网站十大排行对别人有偏见时, 然后以非法歧视的方式对这些偏见采取行动, 网上赌博网站十大排行制造了各种各样的问题.
In 1066, William of Normandy crossed the English Channel and defeated a Saxon army in the Battle of Hastings; thereafter, 被称为征服者威廉. 作为英国国王威廉一世, 他引进了土地持有制度, 俗称封建制度, 英国和美国今天的不动产法的基础是什么.
当考虑到基于这种英国遗产的各种土地法律关系时, 在开始时定义一些术语是有帮助的. The broadest term, an interest, 包括各种权利中的任何一种, privileges, powers, 以及对任何财产的豁免, 包括不动产. 所有权利的总和, privileges, powers, and immunities with respect to a particular item of property is “complete ownership” or “complete property
9小时的继续教育课程,涵盖评估过程, 物业检查和销售比较方法.
房地产市场竞争非常激烈,尤其是在加利福尼亚州. Being a successful real estate professional is not only dependent on building customer relationships or closing a sale. Your advancement in the industry is also reliant on a continuing intake of knowledge concerning business practices associated with California’s residential real estate. 通过参加网上赌博网站十大排行的7小时选修主题课程来了解更多关于这些实践的信息. 本课程的主题包括房地产融资选择的介绍性解释, 融资过程, 以及管理房地产融资交易的法律法规, 深入了解上市协议, 以及对受托责任的全面审查, 与房地产交易有关的风险, 以及最小化这些风险的最佳实践.